Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sandusky Gets a Minimum of 30 Years

From this morning's Wall Street Journal, I found the quote from Judge John Cleland to hit it exactly. Like Sandusky, RND took pleasure and satisfaction not only in the physical abuse but also in the manipulation of so many young hearts and souls, often under the noses of their parents.

"The tragedy of this crime is that it's a story of betrayal," Judge Cleland said before handing down the sentence in Centre County Court. "Those who have never encountered a pedophile can hardly begin to understand the anguish of those who have been so expertly deceived.…The crime is not only what you did to their bodies but what you did to their psyches and souls."

If you were abused by RND and the statute of limitations has not expired, please consider a criminal action against him. For me at least, he is not entitled to my forgiveness.