Friday, August 3, 2012

And still more...

An anonymous post just arrived.  This time from a man in France who was abused by RND in the mid-70s and who knew other kids who were similarly abused.

What astonishes me is how this blog continues to bring in others who were abused by Richard Neville Davis.  Other men from New England, the UK, and now France.  I can only assume that they've found this particular blog because they've done a search on the name of their abuser and found this site.  Here we are, thirty and forty years later, wondering about the fate of the man who did so much damage.  

How I wish the authorities, somewhere, could do something.  And how I wish real consequences were enforced.  An abuser here in Massachusetts just received ten years probation for his crimes.  That is far too lenient given the damage.